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Main Dimensions
DistanceThis is typically 1.6m for full length trailer but tends to get shorter for urban trailers. from kingpin to front of trailer m
Trailer LengthTypically 13.7m for a curtainsider and 13.6m for box vans m
General Weights
Operating GVWGross Vehicle Weight kgs
Tractor Weight kgs
Trailer Tare WeightUnladen trailer weight. kgs
Max Load on Kingpin kgs
Axle Number
Axles Weight (each) kgs
Axle Capacity (each) kgs
Kingpin to centrelineTypically 6.79m for tri, 7.445m for tandem or 8.1m for single axle. of front axle m
Front axle spread (If tandem or tri) m
Rear axle spread (If tri) m
Main Deck Load
DistanceTypically 4.270m for step-frame trailers. from front of trailer to start of load m
Load Length m
Load Weight kgs
Swan Neck Load (If applicable)
2nd Deck (If applicable)

+44 (0)1782 599 666

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