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This free on-line calculator determines the litres of fuel (diesel) consumed, cost and resultant CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) emissions of your private car, commercial vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Simply enter the information and the results will appear on the right hand side or underneath if your screen is small.


You can add your own reference title below. It will not affect the result.

Vehicle Information (Base Vehicle)
Number Of Vehicles
Miles per annum per vehicle
Average miles per gallon
Cost per litre (pence)

Today's Bulk Fuel Price

Comparison Vehicle
Comparison miles per gallon

Convert Litres / 100kms to Miles Per Gallon

Convert Kilometers to Miles


Don-Bur accepts no liability for the content of these results or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing.



"Freight Best Practice confirms that an accepted methodology has been used in these calculations."

1 Gallon (Imperial) = 4.54609188 ltrs. 1 Mile = 1.609344 kms. Diesel:CO2 conversion of 2.63 kgs (0.00263 tonnes) per litre. Source: DEFRA.

Whilst CO2 is directly proportional to litreage consumed, NOx and particulate emissions vary depending on engine and exhaust management systems.