Valx eLEG - Powered Landing Legs
The electric landing leg which will save you time and money
• Robust and compact solid aluminium gearbox casing
• Low maintenance gearbox with low temperature premium lubricant rated from -20║C to +50║C
• Powerful electric drive with two speed gearing and simple push button operation
• Neutral gear position to allow backup manual operation
• Self-sufficient maintenance free battery included with built-in battery charger
• Available in different lengths and foot types
• Fully weather & waterproof
lift capacity 25 Tonnes
static load 60 Tonnes
leg speed 34 cm/min (13.5”/min) on high gear
eLEG kit weight 135 ~ 145 Kg (depending on length and foot configuration)
voltage 24 V
voltage input 9-30 V
charger output 14 V / 2 Amp
battery voltage 12 V
Gear Settings
high gear to get the legs to the ground fast or to return them to neutral position
low gear lift or lower a loaded trailer once the legs are on the ground
neutral position manual
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