Maple Turtlelock ©

Maple Container/ Barn Door Turtle Padlock Cover

features -> security

A high strength trailer door locking solution ideal for long haul, single A to B delivery operations, where the load area needs to be secured while the goods are in transit. This operationally robust security solution deters any opportunist thief or migrant from entering your trailer.

This lock hasp consists of 2 parts with one part fitted to each of the opening doors with high strength bolts, or each part can be welded if preferred.

The Turtle Lock can also be used for truck / trailer doors whose handles are designed into the door located underneath the door edge. To secure the lock in place, once both doors are closed a removeable bracket is inserted from the top and a high security Abloy Protec padlock is inserted at the bottom, securing the load area from unauthorised access.


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Published: Fri 29 Nov 2019 (Edited: Thu 11 Apr 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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