Don-Bur Releases Preview Images Of CV Show Trailer
Don-Bur has just released a tantalising set of images offering a glimpse of futuristic technology to be unveiled at the Commercial Vehicle Show this April.
The innovative body-builder is well-known for its aerodynamic work and the images appear to illustrate a glowing purple slip-stream emanating from the rear of a high, perhaps double-deck trailer. One of the images however, has raised more than just one eyebrow.
This particular view seems to show the rear of a trailer (specifically part of the roof line) but sharp-eyed viewers will notice an odd electrical glow on the roof akin to something you might imagine seeing in a physics laboratory in a super-hero comic. The only way it could be described would be to liken it to the lightening effect from a Tesla coil or one of those plasma balls that were so popular in the late 80's. Its purpose? Don-Bur are keeping very tight-lipped.
Richard Owens, marketing manager at Don-Bur offers some frustratingly cryptic clues, "Don-Bur will be launching some fascinating new technology never before seen on commercial vehicles. It has taken three years to realise and until its appearance at the show, we can only say that Don-Bur, in partnership with an academic institution, are harnessing an elemental phenomenon for the purpose of controlled aerodynamics you can switch on or off."
Whether you're an operator looking to reduce operational costs or just seeing a friend in hall 5, the Don-Bur stand looks set to offer a world-first that's well worth a visit.
Don-Bur can be found at stand 5A50 in hall 5.
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