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Online Chat Is Popular for Immediate Help And Assistance

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Since the launch of the Don-Bur online chat tool in February 2016, a total of 4,954 messages to date have bounced backwards and forwards between online visitors and trained Don-Bur staff.  The popularity of the free feature is a key indicator of how many individuals prefer to communicate and Don-Bur will continue to develop and support the service.

Not only are visitors able to text-chat with live operators, transferring website links, reference photographs and documents is a breeze which is a significant advantage for rapid illustration purposes.  Users also appreciate the ability to print or save transcripts for future reference.

With an average 15 second wait time and an average individual chat time of 11 minutes and 45 seconds, Don-Bur manages to respond to 96% of all chat requests during office hours.

David Burton, Managing Director at Don-Bur comments "Improved technology is changing communication preferences.  Most of our customers lead busy lifestyles and although telephone calls are instant, there is no documented trail to follow at a later time.  We've noticed a significant increase in the use of e-mails over the past decade and the response to the new online chat reinforces the fact that many prefer to have time to consider and save written responses.  Once again, we are delighted to be leading the market and providing added value."


Chat with us online now

Published: Thu 04 Aug 2016 (Edited: Thu 17 Oct 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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