What Happened To My MOT Plate?
news -> regulations
As of the 14th July 2018, HGV trailers are no longer to be issued with a physical MOT plate.
Similar to the current car tax disc system, the new MOT records for HGV trailers are kept online.
The only physical confirmation generated is a certificate similar to the sample available at https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/725509/annual-test-mot-certificate-trailer-pass.pdf which will, as a bare minimum, be issued to the collecting driver.
MOT status can now be queried online at https://www.gov.uk/check-mot-history using the ministry "C" number as the reference.
If MOTs are carried out by Don-Bur's in-house ATF station, scanned copies of the new MOT certificate can be emailed automatically to nominated individuals on request.
Edit: Any MOT discs lost or that become illegible in advance of the due MOT date do not need replacing immediately; however, the operator will need to replace it at some point to present at the next MOT.
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