Palfinger retractable tail lift

What sort of HGV trailer tail-lifts are there?

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There are 4 core types of tail-lift.

Further detail can be found in our Feature Library (Link below).


Tuckaway tail-lifts provide a platform that folds away and "tucks" into a relatively small area under the chassis behind the axles.


Column tail-lifts can be split into 2 main sub-categories:

  • Standard: A simple platform that rotates down from a frame attached to the rearframe.
  • Two-Tier: A family of more complex tail-lifts that are primarily designed for double decks.  These can be external and lifted from ground level up to both 1st and 2nd decks or internal to act as a flexible lifting/loading platform.


Retractable tail-lifts are typically one-piece platforms that slide from under the rear of the chassis and provide a lift that operates from ground level to a main deck.  Under normal circumstances, due to their length, you commonly need a good amount of space between the rear tyre and the rearframe; however, folding platforms are also available.


Cantilever lifts are generally large platforms that stow in a position which forms the rear closure.  To use, they are rotated to a horizontal position and then used like many other platforms from ground to main deck level.

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Published: Fri 17 Nov 2023 (Edited: Mon 05 Aug 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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