Wincanton LST

Don-Bur Self Steer Longer Semi Trailer Design Receives VCA Approval

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The Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) has just issued their approval for Don-Bur’s Longer Semi Trailer Design, using a self-steer axle solution.  The 15.65m long trailer was built for Wincanton and the turning circle and safety tests were carried out by the VCA at the MIRA testing grounds to ensure Level 2 compliance under the LST technical requirements.  The endorsement clears the way for a VSO (Vehicle Special Order) to operate trailers of the same design in the UK.

Following recent technical requirement alterations made by the DfT; including practical turning circle tests, it was previously believed that to achieve the inner 5.3m turning circle limit, a heavier more costly positive steer solution would be required.  However, with some engineering ingenuity, Don-Bur passed the demanding test with a more cost-effective and lighter self-steer axle system.

The news comes at a welcome time, when operators with a confirmed LST allocation are cementing specifications for imminent build.  With self-steer axles carrying a lesser weight penalty than positively steered counterparts, LST’s can carry more payload within the 44T GVW limit.

David Burton, managing director for Don-Bur said “We are delighted to gain VCA approval for our LST design at such a critical time.  Being able to offer a self-steer axle solution provides greater flexibility for the customer and maintains our position as market innovators.”

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Published: Tue 07 Feb 2012 (Edited: Thu 11 Apr 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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