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Don-Bur Achieves RSQS Supplier Accreditation


Don-Bur is delighted to achieve an RSQS (Retail Suppliers Qualification System) accrediation from Hellios.

RSQS registration is an accepted certification process to provide confidence and assurance to potential buyers that a supplier is complying with a minimum set of standards including corporate responsibility, sector specific legislation, information security and GDPR.

Earlier in the year, Don-Bur was awarded an EcoVadis CSR audited accreditation and this additional recognised standard cements their place in the market as a dependable, responsible supplier that cares deeply about compliance, ethical standards, effectiveness of internal processes, environmental impact and the treatment and support of their diverse workforce.

Further information can be acquired at the Hellios website .

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Published: Fri 18 Dec 2020

Updated: Thu 11 Apr 2024

Author: Richard Owens

Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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