Tenetis rave automated load restraint

Tenetis Auto Tensioning Strap System

features -> load-restraint

A Load Off Your Mind…..

Safe, Consistent and Fast – Tenetis Automated Load Restraint Is Finally Here

Load Restraint is not without its challenges, something most would agree with. Whether you’re a driver or Operators license holder it’s something that we all know has to be right.

The challenges presented by conventional ratchet strap systems are acknowledged and are not insignificant. Knowing what lashing force has been applied by the drivers efforts is difficult if not impossible. These systems become more difficult to use with age and require more effort accordingly. Bring into this jammed mechanisms, aggressive release characteristics and the need for the driver to exert 50kgs of force to achieve the required tensioning force (twice the weight limit for manual handling)  

4 years ago a company called Tenetis believed things could be made better… a lot better.

‘’We set out with the overriding brief that the system had to perform in line with the web lashing standard BS EN12195, first time, every time’’ says Technical Director Nigel Carter.

tenetis rave spoolAt the heart of the system lies the Auto Tensioner itself, this device incorporates a rotating spool through which a short length of hi tensile rope is passed which terminates in a hook. The driver simply passes the hook through a shackle on a conventional web lashing and applies the lashing force using the Auto Tensioners own hydraulic lever. A double locking system ensures a consistent lashing force of 350kgs is applied and sustained throughout the transportation process.

The Auto Tensioners are placed at appropriate intervals along the length of the vehicle body and are connected by a hydraulic ring main complete with its own powerpack.

The system has undergone extensive bench and on truck testing. Tenetis installed a system on an 18 ton chassis which works every day of the working week hauling a variety of heavy fabrications to various sites across the UK. This truck doubles as the companies own demonstrator.

‘’Our aim is to help transport be safer and more productive and in the process reduce risk. Ease of use, reduced loading times and peace of mind present a powerful offer to drivers and operators alike’’ says Sales Director Andy Spencer.

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Published: Mon 06 Mar 2023 (Edited: Wed 07 Aug 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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