Coretinium Panel

Trailer Sidewall Construction | Lightweight Coretinium Panels

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With impressive strength and rigidity, Coretinium® takes its inspiration from nature’s most optimised high performance materials.

The combination of high performance Colorcoat® pre-finished steel and a rigid polymer honeycomb core Coretinium provides a highly aesthetic composite solution with exceptional rigidity to weight ratio that that facilitates light-weight products and design innovation.

While Coretinium is engineered to last up to 60 years depending on the application, at its end of life, the composite sheets can be recycled via the steel making process, ensuring it is a sustainable choice throughout the product lifecycle.


Why composite materials work so well

As with the principles that make a steel I-beam so strong, it is the outside faces of a composite that does most of the work when the sheet is subject to bending, so separating these faces makes for efficient use of the material.

For a composite to be most effective:

  • The core needs to have good compression resistance and shear strength.
  • The skin material needs to have a high modulus and tensile strength.
  • The adhesive bond of skin to core is critical for maintaining composite performance.

Composites: A sustainable choice
This efficient use of materials means less raw materials are needed to create high performance sheets.

Coretinium-Why composite materials work so well

Coretinium derives its performance from the high quality pre-finished steel skins

The high strength of steel

The high Young’s modulus of steel makes it a very effective skin material compared to other options:

 Coretinium - The high strength of steel

The other benefits of steel
Steel offers some significant benefits over other traditional skin materials:

  • Durable – UV resistant skin.
  • Fire safe – A1 non-combustible.
  • Resistant to creep.
  • Magnetic.
  • Easy to process on CNC.
  • Easy to mechanically fix to.
  • Strong stable surface for adhesive.
  • Recyclable*.

* With typically 85% of product weight coming from the Coretinium® steel skins; at its end-of-life the composite sheet can be considered as steel scrap and recycled back into the steel making process without the need to separate the core from the skin.

Optimised materials
Colorcoat Prisma® pre-finished steel outer skins combine to provide enhanced aesthetics and long-term performance and durability.

Colorcoat Prisma® pre-finished steel layers

Coretinium - Colorcoat Prisma<sup>®</sup> pre-finished steel layers

Product properties

Coretinium product dimensions

Total weight
8.3kg/m2 with 0.40mm skins (s)
10.7kg/m2 with 0.55mm skins (s)
12.7kg/m2 with 0.675mm skins (s)
Note: asymmetric skin combinations are possible

Total product thickness (H) 
10mm ± 0.2mm

Thermal properties
Thermal conductivity - K value ( λ ) : 0.070 W/mK
Thermal resistance - R value : 0.143 m2k/W
Core composition
Co-polymer blend of polypropylene with mineral fill for additional strength 

Core specifications (nominal)
Cell size (D)                   7.0mm Ø
Cell wall thickness (t)  600µm
Core thickness             8.9mm
Core density                 210kg/m3

Skin composition
Pre-finished steel skins
Coatings: 255g/m2 Galvalloy™ with a 3 layer 65 micron Colorcoat Prisma® paint finish

Young's modulus: 207GPa
Poisson’s ratio: 0.3
Density: 7854kg/m3

Steel specification
0.55mm S320GD+ZA (320N/mm2 min yield stress) 
0.40mm S280GD+ZA (280N/mm2 min yield stress)
0.675mm S280GD+ZA (280N/mm2 min yield stress)

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Published: Tue 18 Jul 2023 (Edited: Tue 27 Aug 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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