3D Render | Glass Wedge Lifting Deck

What are the frequencies for Lifting Deck maintenance?

faqs -> maintenance

Maintenance should follow all guidance laid out in the Lifting Deck Maintenance Manual and frequency may vary depending on the degree of use but the following provides a guide.

Maintenance Item Frequency
Rope lubrication 12-13 weeks
Rope change 5-6 years
Pulley change 5-6 years
Hydraulic oil filter change 12 months
Hydraulic oil change 3 years

For any other items, please contact Don-Bur directly on 01782 599 666.

Recommended Rope Lubricant

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Published: Tue 14 Nov 2023 (Edited: Thu 28 Nov 2024)


Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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