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Don-Bur Stands With Ukraine


The Russian invasion of Ukraine is abhorrent and every day we see evidence of atrocities, sacrifice, hardship and appalling tragedy on an unthinkable scale.

We are not powerless to help and Don-Bur stands with Ukraine by raising support.

Donating financial support through a charity can feel indirect and uncertain, with fears of value being diverted towards administration and other miscellaneous costs.  Although we feel an urgency to donate practical goods directly to those areas in most need, the logistics of delivering critical items directly is currently very difficult.  Together with poor warehousing facilities, a driver shortage and poor customs management in the affected areas means that a large proportion of donated good ends up either in limbo or in landfill.  Our understanding at this time is that financial support through a recognised charity such as the DEC is the best way to ensure needed items are procured locally and transport is managed as well as it can be.

To highlight our support, we have changed our public domain branding to reflect the Ukrainian national colours.

Want to know more about the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, please visit

Thank you

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Published: Tue 08 Mar 2022

Updated: Thu 11 Apr 2024

Author: Richard Owens

Published by: Don-Bur

Don-Bur (Bodies & Trailers) Ltd

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